The Turpentine Galleries Podcast was founded in 2020 by the artist Sally Ede-Golightly. All episodes feature a guest artist that selects three works of art that are important to their practice. One of the choices must come from their own body of work providing an opportunity to discuss their artistic journey and inspirations.
Joschi Herczeg
Series one featured artists working in and around London who were chosen and interviewed by Sally Ede-Golightly. Series two features a selection of artists with studios in Switzerland who were chosen and interviewed by MAP6 photographer Aaron Yeandle. Aaron first got involved with the Turpentine Galleries Podcast when he was invited to be on the first episode in series one. For series two he was responsible for delivering, interviewing and organising four episodes.
Bentt Bengtsson
The Motivation behind the Turpentine Galleries podcasts are to explore and investigate the journey of an artist and what inspires, influences and drives their practice. Furthermore, to inform and to learn from these inspirations and experiences.
Peter Tillessen