Rich Cutler - Insecta Exhibited

For the coming 3 months Fabrica in Brighton will be exhibiting a large photograph by Rich Cutler, from his Insecta project. It is on public view in the window of Fabrica's In Between Gallery, facing Duke Street. It will be replaced by a further image from Insecta in September – also to be exhibited for 3 months.

See Fabrica's website ( for more information and events.


Insecta explores collecting, museums and nature:

''The urge for humans to collect and classify is instinctual – a need to arrange the world around us into patterns, forming order from chaos. Insecta explores the function of museums and collections through natural history, examining photography’s role in framing memory, the pursuit of knowledge and the fallibility of conservation. The project is a memento mori, reflecting on the life and death of knowledge and authority through fragments of ruined and forgotten collections.''